


This is a modern climber from 1990 by Delbard, one of the most important French hybridizers. It has rigid branches, triangular buds, large flowers with red and velvety petals, slightly perfumed.

The era of modern roses was born by convention in 1867 with the creation of “La France”, the first Hybrid of Tea, commonly known as HT. HTs are generally single-flowered on long stems, although in recent years, due to hybridization, they have begun to have more flowers per branch, while maintaining the characteristic of a large, erect flower in a tall bush.

The name Salammbô comes from a novel by Flaubert, in which the heroine is the daughter of Amilcare Barca, a Carthaginian general and politician.

There are many roses on the market and the names are chosen by the grower as an element of attraction in addition to color or perfume. Hence the choice to often dedicate them to famous people, current or from the past, or literary works, places or suggestions.

The authority that deals with the registration of names is IRAR, the International Registration Authority for Roses, at the American Rose Society.